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"We are nature. I am nature. All potentials for my development and healing result from my connection to nature. In it lies the building code for my life."
Tim Pagalies

Schamane - Coach - Herzöffner
Ruhepol - Klärender Empath
Reisender im Innen und Aussen


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Shamanism and where it helps me!
Natural spirituality for children and parents

HEALING MOUNTAINS - Your healing path to yourself

At Heilberge I offer private individuals, groups and companies a selection of experience-oriented, conscious paths into nature. I teach individuals and groups "our natural development code", which can be directly experienced in nature. If you decipher it, all doors open to a free, healthy and happy life and togetherness. In this way you learn to lead healthy, loving relationships, to perceive yourself and to draw healthy boundaries, to combine self-confidence and clarity, intuition and reason and to let go of all unnecessary fears.

My offers and methods are enormously powerful accelerators and amplifiers for development and healing processes. Shamanism finds its place in my methods as well as modern coaching tools and mindfulness exercises. I offer a rich tool case with which I can respond very intuitively to the situation and the person.

Myself, Tim Pagalies , have always worked to expand my mind. I expand mental and emotional horizons and break traditional entrenched ways of thinking - away from tradition, habit and stagnation, towards innovation and growth. This orientation is the key to any development, with myself as in any team.

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"We are nature. I am nature. All potentials for my development and healing result from my connection to nature. In it lies the building code for my life."
Tim Pagalies


The term "Heilberge" comes from the Celtic-Germanic origins of our ancestors. In their time, every mountain that apparently "watched" over a settlement was revered as a Heilberg. He was said to have transformative powers. In addition, it was considered the gateway between the worlds - the human and the energetic / transcendental. So the people celebrated their rituals for their own healing and transformation on this mountain and made contact with their ancestors there. Dying people found their gate there to transition into the soul world and new inhabitants of the earth were born and welcomed there.

This view has been lost over the centuries - but the special attraction of the mountains never.



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